Sunday, July 13, 2008

Former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow Dead from Colin Cancer at Age 53

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fox News: Jesse Jackson thinks Barack Obama is talking down to Black People!!

Jesse Jackson's Apology about these comments!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bill O'Reilly is crazed liberals are attacking John McCain and raising money for Barack Obama?!?

O'Reilly is crazed that David Brock, Paul Begala, and George Soros are working together to air ads to expose John McCain(since the mainstream media seems reluctant to do so - can't criticize a war hero - unless he's John Kerry) (or John Murtha) (or Max Cleland). Politico's VendeHei adds some balanced to the obviously one-sided indignation

This seems silly -- liberals raise money for democrats, just like conservatives raise money for republicans! Nice job there Billy Boy!

Fox News: Bill O'Reilly's Most Recent NY TIMES spin and the RNC ad campaign against Obama

Friday, July 4, 2008

Newt Gingrich on Drilling Oil Illegally in the USA

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Laura Ingraham is TALKING to STEPHEN BALDWIN about his views!?!

Ingraham is talking to D Level Actor Stephen Baldwin about his view but sits there & criticizes OTHER celebrities for speaking out?!? Stephen Baldwin can leave the US if Obama gets elected and would anyone notice?!?

Fox News Reporter gets knocked into by chick yelling "OHIO STATE"!!

Fox News Jane is on TOP of things!!

Woman squishing grapes falls during a live segment!!

Fox News Reporter messes up the word TITLE for some strange reason?!?


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